Mekong Heritage Travel
Phnom Penh 2 to 4 days

Phnom Penh 2 to 4 days

the Independance Monument, the National Museum, the Central Market, the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda, Wat Phnom.

N°13, Street 315, Toul Kork
Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
T : +855 23 88 58 06
F : +855 23 88 58 07
E :

Please don't hesitate to contact us for further information or any special request.

We can arrange any visas in Cambodia or it's neighbouring countries.

Fast delivery and seriousness guaranteed.

Plane, Bus, Minivan, Taxi etc.
We can book any kind of transportation and are deeply connected with our partners all around the globe.

We can also arrange any transportation issue.

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